Becoming a certified chair yoga teacher will provide the opportunity to promote health and wellbeing to a wide range of people who find mainstream exercise inaccessible. Older adults, those with disabilities, neurological conditions, health conditions, or recovering from injury can participate in LifeDock Chair Yoga and enjoy a safe and effective yoga class in the chair.
On completion of the LifeDock Chair Yoga course you will be equipped to:
LifeDock Chair Yoga is a fully accredited Level Two qualification and is for anyone working with service users and residents, including yoga teachers, care givers, social workers, activity coordinators, support workers, dance / fitness instructors and volunteers.
This course is available in the following formats:
This is a 2 day in person course or 3 x 3 hour Zoom sessions. Our highly experienced tutors will teach you the content of the a chair yoga practice along with the skills to design your own. You will also learn safety, communication, group management and teaching skills. As a LifeDock Leader you will have unlimited access to video tutorials on the LifeDock Learning platform and ongoing support once training is completed. You are assessed by tutor observation over the duration of the training and complete a written workbook.
As soon as you buy the course you can get started on the LifeDock Learning platform, learning mobilisers, chair sun salutation and eight chair yoga postures, along with the skills to design your own practice. There are written materials and video tutorials where you will learn about safety, communication, group management and teaching skills. Once you are a qualified LifeDock Leader you will have unlimited access to video tutorials and ongoing support from tutors if required. You are assessed by completing quizzes and written questions on the LifeDock Learning platform and a practical demonstration that will take place on Zoom/Whatsapp with your tutor. You have 6 months to complete the course.
Contact us for more information and costs for group training or buy your course now.