Congratulations to Cinnamon Care Collection for completing the Drum Based Exercise training! They are the first care home group in the U.K. to add to this seated exercise session to their activities programme.
Congratulations to Cinnamon Care Collection for completing the Drum Based Exercise training! They are the first care home group in the U.K. to add to this seated exercise session to their activities programme.
Drumming is a hit with our friends at Cinnamon Care Collection. Day 2 is kicking off today. #drumming#cinnamoncarecollection#seniors#fun#wellbeing#mentalhealth#PainManagement
Only one day to go for LifeDock's Live-Well Advent! You don't want to miss our one minute wellbeing videos to help work on your balance, leg strength and clear your head. Have you subscribed to our YouTube channel yet? #LifeDock #LiveWell #breathe #mentalhealth #getmoving #seniors #oneminute #Christmas #advent #legstrength #balance #mindfulness #mentalhealth #wellbeing
Have you subscribed to our YouTube channel yet? LifeDock's Live-Well Advent is only 2 days away! You don't want to miss our one minute wellbeing videos to help work on your balance, leg strength and clear your head. #LifeDock #LiveWell #breathe #mentalhealth #getmoving #seniors #oneminute #Christmas #advent #legstrength #balance #mindfulness #mentalhealth #wellbeing
LifeDock's Live-Well Advent is only 3 days away! Have you subscribed to our YouTube channel yet? You don't want to miss our one minute wellbeing videos to help get into a healthy movement habit. These quick videos make it easy to work on your balance, leg strength and clear your head. #LifeDock #LiveWell #breathe #mentalhealth […]
Only 4 days to go until our LifeDock Live-Well Advent starts! One minute wellbeing videos that will help build leg strength, improve balance and calm the mind. Make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel so you don't miss a thing! #LifeDock #LiveWell #strength #mobility #balance #seniors #wellbeing #keepmoving @Christmas #advent #oneminute #mindfulness #breathe
Congratulations to all of our qualified Chi Me leaders at Versus Arthritis! It was great to see you all in person today. #VersusArthritis#ChiMe#mentalwellness#PainManagement#wellbeing#TaiChi#healthyliving
Congratulations to Cinnamon Care Collection for being the first care home in the UK to add seated Drum Based Exercise to their programme! Your residents are lucky to have such amazing activities available to them. #cinnamoncarecollection#drumming#seateddrum#wellbeing#mentalhealth#mentalwellness#fun#seniors
Make sure you have subscribed to our YouTube channel so you don't miss any of our LifeDock Live-Well Advent videos in December. One minute clips to help improve balance, leg strength, mobility and mental wellbeing. #Christmas #advent #gentlemovement #wellbeing #mindfulness #seniors #fallprevention #balance #mobility #mantalhealth
Congratulations to our South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust Chi Me leaders! #healthandwellbeing#TaiChi#ChiMe#SEHSCT#wellbeing#PainManagement#healthyliving