The recent Move Laugh Relax workshop was a great success. Everyone left with new ideas for games, crafts, chair exercise and relaxation techniques. Watch this space for updates on upcoming workshops.
The recent Move Laugh Relax workshop was a great success. Everyone left with new ideas for games, crafts, chair exercise and relaxation techniques. Watch this space for updates on upcoming workshops.
We are very proud of the latest Chi Me instructors - All are committed to enriching the lives of their service users - Well done everyone!
Launches September 2017 - Fun and Games... Seated and standing games to get competitive juices flowing, as movement, laughter, improved motor skills, co-ordination , balance and agility all on the menu! Mini Chi Me... Chi Me in the chair offers calming, relaxing and easy to learn tai chi influenced movements in the safety Mindfulness and Relaxation... Lead your group in sessions that will help […]
We are so proud of the latest candidates who are now fully qualified to teach Chair Based Exercise to their client groups Belfast HSCT SEHSCT
Due to the popularity of existing Chi Me classes in leisure centres in Ards & Northdown we were delighted to train another group of Chi Me Instructors in Comber Leisure Centre - bringing a taste of Tai Chi to Ards & Northdown Here they are receiving their certificates... well done guys!
Here they are! The latest group from the Western HSCT to complete their Chair Based Activity training. It's always a pleasure to train people who are so enthusiastic about the people they work with. Well done guys!
The latest group of Chi Me Leaders in the Southern Trust receiving their certificates. They all have been leading groups and reported amazing feedback. Chi Me is proving to be a versatile and effective programme. Check out our upcoming courses and book your place now!